First and Foremost Questions Answered

What is the objective of this game? The objective of this game is to bring your opponent(s) HP to zero(0) in order to win the game. You can achieve this by moving monjinn cards and tamer cards across the field and attacking your opponent(s) until their HP reaches zero or below. There are other numerous ways to deplete an opponent’s HP.

How many people can play this game? This game is played by two (2) players, with up to (4) player in which another play mat must be added.

What all do I need to play the game? To play this (TCG) trading card game effectively, you will need; (2) individual decks of 40 cards or more, a 5 by 6 cell playmat, (2) D20 or 20 sided dices for life counters, and (5-10) D6 or 6 sided dices for counters on cards.

What is a “Play zone”? Your play zone are the (5) horizontal spaces right in front of you. These are the only spots where you may play a card. If these spots are full, you will not be able to play any more cards until the spots clear out.

Card Colors Explained:

Brown Cards: Also called, “Monjinn Cards”, these cards will feature a monjinn, which are mostly used for attacking your opponent(s) to win the game. You are allowed to play one(1) of this type of card on each of your play steps, meaning a total of two(2) cards per your full turn since you have two(2) play steps in a turn. Remember that “Megamorphing” a monjinn also counts as playing a monjinn card.

Brown/ Rainbow Cards: Also called, “Tamer Cards”, these cards feature people that will help battle and aid you in your victory in the game. You are allowed to play one(1) of this type of card on each of your play steps, meaning a total of two(2) cards per your full turn since you have two(2) play steps in a turn.

Blue Cards: Also called, “Action Cards”, these cards allow you to perform a useful action to turn the tide of the game in your favor. You are allowed to play one(1) of this type of card on each of your play steps, meaning a total of two(2) cards per your full turn since you have two(2) play steps in a turn.

Green Cards: Also called, “Relic Cards”, these cards are usually useful things, places or even rare items that have health (HP), since they will bestow an effect while present on the field. You are allowed to play one(1) of this type of card on each of your play steps, meaning a total of two(2) cards per your full turn since you have two(2) play steps in a turn.

Grey Cards: Also called, “Item Cards”, these cards will depict items that you may use to heal HP, boost attack (ATK) or even things like search for other items. the possibilities are endless. You are allowed to play one(1) of this type of card on each of your play steps, meaning a total of two(2) cards per your full turn since you have two(2) play steps in a turn.

Purple Cards: Also called, “Reaction Cards”, these cards are used differently then all the other cards. These cards have no limit in their usage, as long as you have the HP to pay for their play costs, and you play them at their specified times. Each of these cards will specifically tell you when it can be played, or during what event that specific card can be played. These cards are mostly played in response to other actions happening.

Card Types

  • Monjinn Cards

    These are examples of monjinn cards, they will be a brown color and are mostly used for attacking or effects.

  • Tamer Cards

    These are examples of tamer cards, they will be a rainbow brown looking color and are used mostly for attacking or effects.

  • Action Cards

    These are examples of action cards, they will be a blue color and are used for many helpful things.

  • Item Cards

    These are examples of item cards, they will be a grey color and are used for many helpful things.

  • Relic Cards

    These are examples of relic cards, they will be a green color and are mostly cards that will stay on the field to give buffs or debuffs.

  • Reaction Cards

    These are examples of reaction cards, they will be purple in color and are used in response to other action throughout the game.

Helpful Tips For Gameplay & More

Tip 1/ Each deck must contain at least 40 cards or more for legal play.

Tip 2/ Each player starts the game by drawing 7 cards.

Tip 3/ Each player starts the game with 20 HP.

Tip 4/ When you megamorph a monjinn, it only costs half of the cards’ play cost rounded up, to play it.

Tip 5/ During the battle step, the order is (MIA) move, initiate, attack. You must move each card you want to move first, then initiate the attack(s) of each card you want attacking to each target you want them attacking.

Tip 6/ Status effects (Paralyze, Sleep, and Silence) wear off in a full round, for example, if your monjinn/ tamer is affected with Sleep during your turn, it will automatically disappear at the beginning of your next turn. If it is affected with Sleep during an opponent’s turn, it disappears automatically at the beginning of their next turn.

Tip 7/ Status effects ( Poison, Burn, and Blind) must be removed with items or through other means.

Tip 8/ There can only be 1 status effect effecting a card at any given time, When a new status effect is inflicted onto a card it must replace the old status effect if there was currently one.

Tip 9/ When a card’s HP reaches zero (0) or below it is sent to your spent pile. (discard pile)

Tip 10/ Your HP cannot surpass 20 HP, even when recovering it, It can only surpass 20 HP if you somehow acquire the ability “Transcend”, onto yourself.

Flow Of A Game

1- Draw Step

2- Play Step 1

3- Battle Step

4- Play Step 2

5- End Step 

Draw Step/ 

The player begins their turn and draws a card, check for any and all abilities that trigger during this step, check and apply any and all status effects that cards on the field may have and apply those effects. 

2) Play Step 1/

The player may play (1) of each type of card during this step, unless specified otherwise.  (type of cards: monjinn card, action card, item card, relic card, tamer card ) EXCEPTIONS on Reaction Cards

3) Battle Step/

The player has the option to move their monjinn cards or tamer cards one space on the field, after moving all desired cards they then may choose to attack an enemy target/ player in range. Each monjinn and tamer can only attack once per turn unless specified otherwise. (*movements are always first and attacks are always second, move all desired cards then attack with all desired cards)

4) Play Step 2/ 

The player may play (1) of each type of card during this step, unless specified otherwise.  (type of cards: monjinn card, action card, item card, relic card, tamer card ) EXCEPTIONS on Reaction Cards

5) End Step/ 

The player checks for any abilities that happen during this step, apply any after effects of status effects, then make sure their hand contains only 7 cards, excess cards are put in the spent pile. 


Abilities can be triggered or happen during any of these turns unless specified by the ability. Abilities can also be triggered or happen multiple times unless specified by the ability. Abilities may be triggered or happen during an opponents’ turn unless specified by the ability.