
A free spirited youth from the Flora Orphanage in the Mondina Kingdom. She will be turning 16 soon, meaning she would have to officially leave the orphanage. One fateful day whilst running her morning errands, she is unknowingly thrust into a grand adventure.

  • Starcie (Star)


    The lady from the herbal shop in Mondina Kingdom. She loves anything and everything to do with plants, but is now trying to broaden her horizons.

  • Markyle

    Book Worm

    It all began when he got his first book about monjinn biology. Markyle loves spending his time at the Grand Library in Gobaba Town, reading up a storm about monjinn. He wants to become a monjinn biologist.

  • Jonnie Mar Estad

    Wandering Youth

    A curious young man from the Wintaria continent. He mostly keeps to himself, so no one knows too much about him.

  • Meeki


    Meeki is from the mining town of Opal. Her father was a miner and introduced her to gems and crystals. Now she can’t get enough of the beautiful stones, and travels the world over to find the prettiest ones.

  • Emmett Marche

    Wizard In Training

    It all began with an interest in magic, which led to taming monjinn, eventually becoming a monjinn tamer, ultimately becoming a self made Grand Wizard. Emmett may be young, but his training far surpasses his companions.

  • Armon

    Monjinn Tamer

    A young man looking to become a skilled monjinn tamer. You meet him in random places since he is looking high and low for the most powerful monjinn he can find.

  • Gilburn


    Gilburn was sent from the neighboring Kingdom of Brampton to investigate the incident in Mondina. He along with 6 other knights were given the task to help Mondina in its recovery. Unfortunately his other comrades all met their untimely ends, but he continues to carry out his duties.

  • Penny


    A girl from the farming town of Okka. She is knowledgeable about growing crops and caring for plants. She’s also a great cook. Her true calling, however, is in raising monjinn.

  • Abel

    Monjinn Tamer

    A boy from Loolin looking to become a strong monjinn tamer. He is strong willed and will stop at nothing to become stronger. He has an older sister that is already on her own training expedition, which pushes him even harder to get to her level.

  • Algus Leek


    A guy from Fendaro, a nomadic farm settlement. The village elders sent him on a mission to find out the reasons for the recent droughts in his home village. Fendarans are a proud people and they have their own distinct red/ green clothings they pride themselves on.

  • LaMet


    She is the older sister of Abel. LaMet started out as a monjinn tamer, then was recruited to become a guard for the Order of the Flame Sparrows. Her abilities with a sword is much greater than that of handling monjinn, which is why she could not turn down the offer.

  • Talia


    Talia is from Summaria, the fire continent. She studies at the Marigold Magicademy, a school for gifted magic users. She is searching for a boy that went missing from the school a few months ago. She is fairly skilled in Fire magics and has several Fire monjinn.

  • Fenn


    Hailing from the “Blue Continent” Wintaria, Fenn is equipped with a magical blue flame. He posses a gem that allows him to wield this power. He is also a fan of Fire and Water type monjinn.

  • Gohlith

    Monjinn Master

    A mysterious man surrounded by a dark aura. Some people have seen him with many shady individuals, but who really knows his MO. What we do know is to be wary of him.

  • Honey


    A young girl who got lost while making her escape from her hometown, whilst it was being attacked by a horde of wild monjinn. She must have ran super far, because she ended up on a different continent. Weird….

  • Naoka

    Monjinn Tamer

    Naoka is from Fendaro. She recently left the small farm town because she was being bullied for being different. A mysterious red crystal has always followed her around, appearing and disappearing at unlikely times. Is this crystal a blessing or an omen?

  • James (Archer) Vance


    He is from the continent of Fallaria, traveling Evergreen to acquire knowledge about magics and monjinn. He knows a few water spells and healing magics.

  • Nina & Mina

    Royal Guards

    These two are actually twin sisters, both serving as royal guards in the Johime Kingdom. As fate would have it, they escaped a deathly situation and now are on a journey for answers.

  • Alek


    A young man from a far away kingdom. He tells people he is royalty, but since his kingdom is so small, nobody really knows about it. He is traveling Evergreen in search of greatness, whatever it may be.

  • Agusto M.E.

    Mysterious Tamer

    The older brother of Jonnie, We went missing but it doesn’t seem like many are concerned about his whereabouts. Not much is known about him at the current time.

  • Violet

    Monjinn Medic

    Violet has a passion for helping and caring for injured monjinn. She travels Evergreen to provide care for those monjinn in need of assistance, but her true purpose is to find out her past and where she is from.