Story Of Evergreen

Long ago the planet was known by a different name, ”Earth”. In those days the humans exhausted the planet and its resources, so they began to dig deep into the planets’ core to find a new energy source. There they happened upon a giant mystical crystal with origins unknown. This crystal shined with the spectrum of a rainbow and exuded an aura like nothing else. Little did the humans know this was the heart of the planet, and it held great powers.

The day would come when the crystal was to be excavated and pulled to the surface, that day would be the start of something horrific. In the process of moving the crystal, it was awakened, and a calamity fell upon the Earth. The crystal shattered into a million pieces and shot through the sky which scattered throughout the Earth’s crust. Where the pieces landed, the shards absorbed what remaining energy sources were left around them. It would be a decade before the planet would be born anew.

Like a phoenix from the ashes, the crystal shards released all their stored energies at once and replenished the planet. On this day the planet was reborn, and its new name, “Evergreen”. But little did the surviving populace know that not only did the crystals restore the planet, it also awakened its sentinels, the Monjinn.….


Our tale starts off in a far away kingdom, The Great Mondina Kingdom, to be exact. On the outskirts of the city there is an orphanage, and coincidentally today is the day one of the orphans have come of age to brave the world as a young adult. Mother Meg, the head of the establishment, has asked Ayleena to head to market and gather ingredients for the days’ celebrations. She is to gather a few berries and herbs from the woods outside of town, pick up medicines from the herbal shop, and a couple supplies from the market. Whilst Ayleena gets ready for the day, the other children of the orphanage begin waking up and with excitement in their voices greeting each other with “Good Morning!”  Ayleena grabs a basket and heads out the door, “ See you all in a bit!”, she yells as she rushes out the door.

The sun has just broken the horizon and a few birds fly pass chirping. Its a warm day on Sprinaria, the continent of forever spring. Just as she begins walking an egg sized orb appears in front of her and with a quick shine, a dandilo monjinn appears before her. This is not new to Ayleena however, she has always had this orb and monjinn appear before her, she now calls the monjinn “Dandy” and has formed a close friendship with it. The two have been together since the day she arrived at the orphanage 15 years ago. With energy and confidence Ayleena exclaims, “Let’s go Dandy we’ve got a lot to do today!” Dandy flies, so it closely follows Ayleena as she power walks toward the entrance of the city.

Now at the city gates, Ayleena walks pass two guards and down the road toward the Deep Dark Woods. Ten minutes later she is far enough on the road and rears to the left off the stone path into shrubbery and dense trees. A few steps into the wood and she happens upon wild raspberries, edible greens and other plants. Crouched down she quickly picks 5-6 handful of berries, 3 hands of mustard greens, and fiddle ferns. Her basket is already half way full. She glances up and sees an apple tree a few steps away. Deciding she will pick some as well she makes her way towards the tree. As she approaches the tree she notices the presence of black smoke in the clear sky. Its coming from the direction of the city. “What could be happening?” runs through Ayleena’s mind. With worried eyes she forgets the apples and rushes back onto the road towards town. As she gets closer to the gates she can see people have gathered and loud worried voices can be heard all around, even crying. Ayleena notices the guards are gone and asks one of the townsfolk, “what is happening?” The town had just been attacked by the “Great Monjinn” himself and most of the city has been cursed. Ayleena, without thinking, runs into town towards home. She can clearly see most of the city has turned to crystal. She comes upon the orphanage and it too is now full crystallized. On the door steps of the orphanage is mother Meg and 5 children, also fully crystalized. “What is this!?, what has happened here!?” A tearful reaction as she embraces the figures. “Its the Glass Curse…” a voice answers. Ayleena turns around and sees an older lady. “I’m Starcie, from the shop down the street”, she exclaims. Starcie begins to tell Ayleena that the city was attacked by the Great Monjinn, and that it had casted the glass curse on most of the inner city, including the whole of the castle. 

After a while of talking and getting to know the situation, the two decide to head back to Starcie’s shop to rest and decide on their next move. That night after dinner, Ayleena decides to find out how to cure the glass curse and so she will ask around town in the morning. As morning approaches, Ayleena makes her way through town and eventually arrives at the tavern on the edge of town. Inside she meets several patrons, they tell her that there is a Grand Library in Goobaba Town to the north. If info and cures for the glass curse is to be found it would surely be found there. Determined, Ayleena agrees and now she sets her first destination for “Goobaba Grand Library”. Just outside the city gates she holds a steady pace along the road with Dandy flying just behind her. “Hey Wait for ME!” a voice calls out. Ayleena turns around to the sight of Starcie running towards her. “I’m coming with, I couldn’t let you go by yourself, a young girl all by herself on Evergreen? I think not, it dangerous! And plus I already asked my parents to watch the shop while I’m gone. Who wants to spend their days in a shop anyways…Lets lift this curse for Mother Meg’s sake.” Speechless and somewhat relieved Ayleena replys, “That’s GREAT! if you insist.” So the two begin their journey north-bound towards Goobaba.