What are monjinn?

Monjinn are creatures born from the soul of the planet, a large crystal that was hidden deep in the planets’ core. A century has passed since the Great Crystal was disturbed, leading to it shattering, every shard forming a different monjinn. Each monjinn also has great powers, people call it magic, which they use to now guard the new world, “Evergreen”.

  • Aeroflint- Aeroflam- Aerolava

    Elemental Type: Fire/ Wind

    These monjinn usually are found atop high volcanoes. They enjoy the hot humid air that fumes from the molten lava. They use this air to warm their bodies and store it for later use.

  • Gleece- Furrluff- Weezwill

    Elemental Type: Light

    Humans have long taken a liking to this monjinn. It’s bushy golden fur is soft and shiney, which is admired my many people and monjinn alike. Despite being a light element monjinn, it knows many dark element attacks.

  • Balloom- Heliyum- Skywift

    Elemental Type: Wind

    This monjinn can occasionally be seen floating along with the wind. They like to fly around and find health amounts of clean air, which is their main food source. It is not normal for this monjinn to ever come down to the ground, since it also sleeps while staying afloat.

  • Melodette- Melodine- Rymona

    Elemental Type: Light

    This monjinn almost always is seen with a bell magically following it around. It uses its bell to make soothing sounds to put foes to sleep. Some have also notice Rymona in the wild making beautiful music with its bell.

  • Kapioca- Kapwat- Kappow

    Elemental Type: Water

    A water monjinn that lives in the marshlands of Evergreen. This monjinn likes fresh clean water that has been purified by the mire. Rumors have it that these monjinn actually absorb all the toxins from the water, keeping it clean for the environment.

  • Peteeni- Petattle- Yggdragle

    Elemental Type: Earth

    These monjinn call the great grasslands of Evergreen their home. Yggdragle can sometimes be seen sunbathing on the Great Plains. They mainly thrive on solar energy and absorbing nutritions from the ground, almost like a plant.

  • Darkit- Dimmid- Shadoom

    Elemental Type: Dark

    This monjinn is on the more rare side. They are found in old caves and like living among large rock structures. Their grey color helps hide them amongst the stones. This particular monjinn is fairly aggressive, so many people don’t choose to tame them.

  • Sofee- Flofee- Poffee

    Elemental Type: Light/ Wind

    Only the final form of this monjinn can actually fly, however they all may use wind and light elemental attacks. Sofee and Flofee love getting their plumage washed and brushed. They can be seen by the forest’s edge cleaning their coats. People have recently started taming this monjinn in hopes of obtaining some of its beautiful soft down.

  • Teewee- Keewee- Teegull

    Elemental Type: Wind

    This monjinn hides amongst the greenery of bushes and trees. They are super quiet and speedy, just like the wind. Teewee rarely come out of hiding, and when they do, it usually only to feed. Berries are their favorite foods.

  • Hatchi- Poultri

    Elemental Type: Light

    People love eating the eggs of this monjinn. It resembles a chicken, but actually is not. These monjinn can shoot off light waves from their beaks and emit light auras that can stun approaching foes. Dispute all of that, these monjinn are very mild in behavior.

  • Sheek- Woolop

    Elemental Type: Light

    These monjinn resemble sheep. Their pink fur is highly sought after since it is used to make clothing. In the wild these monjinn gather in groups of 5 to 6, and graze on grasslands. Monjinn tamers usually choose to tame sheek as their first monjinn, in that they are easy to handle.

  • Marumi- Raiumi- Shinjiumi

    Elemental Type: Water/ Light

    Considered a mystical monjinn, Shinjiumi are as rare as they come. Legend has it that the only way a Raiumi can megamorph into a Shinjiumi is if it makes the ultimate sacrifice. But nobody knows what that means, so for now let’s just enjoy their gracefulness. Oh, and these monjinn are known to be able to walk on water, how cool is that!

  • Dandillo- Dandran

    Elemental Type: Earth

    This monjinn loves healthy natural environments. It will only thrive where such resources exist. They are also very secretive and rarely make themselves know to humans and even other monjinn. With the ability to fly these monjinn take to the skies in the face of danger.

  • Minkip- Vermink

    Elemental Type: Light/ Dark

    These monjinn resemble mice/mink type animals. They are both fast and vicious when bothered. This monjinn spends a lot of time gathering seeds and fruit, which it stores in its burrow. When in a dangerous situation, it uses its thick fur as a shield, allowing it to take hits.